Hi, everyone.
I want to propose a [FT2232 Dual UART/FIFO/SPI/… breakout board as a new Sparkfun product.
In know that a suggestion for the bare IC has already been posted [in 2008 but I want to highlight that the FTDI FT2232D Dual USB UART/FIFO IC looks like a very handy device in desperate need for more breakout boards (there’s one from FTDI).
The 2232 consists of two halves which each can operate in the following modes:
UART mode (like FT232)
FIFO mode (like FT245)
JTAG or SPI + GPIO pins
Additionally there’s a multiplexed A/D bus-mode using both halves that could be used
to drive multi-register parallel-interface ICs.
Possible uses for this IC, or the corresponding breakout board, include:
(obviously) connecting two uarts
fast SPI or FIFO connection to a otherwise USB-unfriendly chip (connect your favourite ADC, RFID controller, stepper motor IC, … to USB)
use one half to speak to your application, debug with JTAG in parallel, with the 2nd half
attach multi-register parallel-bus chips (e.g. more complicated controllers) directly to the USB bus.
I’d love to hear your comments about this suggestion.](http://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12707)](http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/FT2232C.htm)