Garmin LIDAR-Lite V4/LED red 'heartbeat' indicator?

There seems to be a red ‘heartbeat’ indicator on my new Garmin LIDAR-Lite V4/LED unit, but I can’t find any references to it in the docs. Anyone else see this?

It’s just the Power LED we added to the unit; if it’s bothersome you can disable it by de-soldering/cutting separating the pads mentioned in the ‘jumpers’ section here … e-overview

No, I’m talking about the pie-shaped red light circled in this photo. It seems to blink on and off with a rep rate tied to the measurement period and/or acquisition time (roughly proportional to the target distance)

I received this from the Garmin support folks:

"Hello Frank,

The red light inside the sensor is exactly what you suspected. It’s an activity indicator lamp. It shows that the internal processor is running. "