Hi, hoping someone could help, I have connected the GPS LS20031 & Open logger to make a tracker, my under standing was after powering them up, I just go for a walk then when finest turn them off. I then should be able to just remove the sim card put it into my PC & open the log file. Now this is were I get stuck, the log file is a text Doc when I open it in note pad I don’t know what code it is, my under standing is the GPS should log the info in a NMEA format (witch is not happening) you can then import it in to Google earth & Google makes it into a KLM file were you can see were you have been going.
Not sure were I have gone wrong. Do I need to change a setting or convert the text file to NMEA? the sim card is FAT32 and the only contection that I left of the GPS to the logger was the GPS RX input & the TX0 output on the logger.
Hi Mic, thanks for getting back to me, the OpenLog says it start logging any received serial data at 9600bps & the GPS on the datasheet says TTL 9600bps,
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bits (default)
I dont no how to check to see if thay are both set the same, do I need a FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V for that?
This is what is in the Config File on the sim card. 9600,26,3,0,1,1 baud,escape,esc#,mode,verb,echo
And it is making a log file every time I start it up, this is a example.
Yeah my LS23001 defaults to 57600 after a power loss.
PS when you are changing baud rates, you need to reduce the number/frequency of sentences being output - it defaults to 5Hz of three sentences. This is too much to transfer at 4800bps, so if you try to set that baud rate first it won’t work.
Thanks guys for the help ,I have been away for a bit, but back now. So I will get my self a FTDI & check The baud rate of the GPS, I think I know what you mean trialex when you say that I need reduce the number/frequency of sentences being output. If I get stuck I know were to come. Thanks !