SparkFun OpenLog - GPS - RX

We’ve started with the SparkFun OpenLog.

When first power up, It was flashing twice at the time, and after I’ve formatted the SD card, it stopped flashing, so we assumed it’s now fixed …

I see it also has created the CONFIG.TXT file with the default settings.

9600,26,3,0, 1, 1,0

baud, escape, esof, mode, verb, echo, ignoreRX

Now we are trying to log in TTL GPS data received and connected in the RX pin.

At the moment, there are only 3 connections:

1- Power+

2- GND

3- RX

I’m not sure if we are missing any setup, as there isn’t any file/data being stored, bearing in mind both devices are powered-on and off at the same time.

Are we missing anything at all?

Many thanks and apologies if I’ve missed it in the instructions

Which GPS device are you connecting to OpenLog, how is it connected, and how is it powered?

Please post a link to the GPS device, and a wiring diagram with all pins and connections clearly labeled. Keep in mind that you need a logic level shifter when connecting 5V outputs to the 3.3V OpenLog RX input.

Have you verified GPS device operation using some other approach?