GPS module or board--Selection

Grad student in EE taking course in GPS/GNSS engineering. Looking to Lab out some of the things we are studying.

Want to get GPS receiver that will allow ouput the actual measurements made by the receiver. Don’t need the full processing of the signals to get geolocation. Instead want the carrier phase and code phase measurements, and the pseudo range measurements obtained. We study all this in the course and are given datasets of this sort of info (RINEX files) for processing… I’d also like access to Navigation and Almanac messages themselves.

Looks like all the modules listed use the Ublox software packages to produce location, time and velocity solutions–I want to step back and produce those solutions myself from the “raw data”

Is there a module or board that allows access to this acquired data, and some interface guide to get ahold of it?

GPS is enough, L1 and L2 capability, and full spectrum GNSS capability would be gravy


Hello angiodr,

Stepping into GPS is going to be quite the ride. I’m not entirely sure if we will have everything you’re looking for in a product. Please feel free to browse our selection of [Modules and Accessories. I would highly suggest using U-Blox modules since they are compatible with U-Center:

U-Center GPS GUI

I hope this helps point you in the right direction.](Building a GPS System - SparkFun Electronics)

Thanks for your help. U-Center is clearly very capable, and I haven’t dived into it yet. It seems to be completely dedicated to Windows and I am a Mac guy, so looks like I’m going to have to get my Windows machine out of storage!