Help with audio codec WM8960

We are making an audio filter generator with the audio codec breakout board WM8960 and a STM32 G431.

We cant get it to work propperly.

We tried to configure the register with inspiration from the spark fun library but it didnt work. you can see our code of the configuration below in
CodecDriver.c (2.11 KB)

We configured the i2S bus in the cubeide as 2 half duplex busses on the STM32 G432. A master receiver and a slave transmit.
pictures.pdf (97.7 KB).

We worked with a logic analyser and saw communication on the i2C bus but nothing happens on the i2S bus. (
pictures.pdf (97.7 KB))

There comes nothing out of the ADC.

Before making the audio filter generator, did you test all the components separately with Sparkfun’s test code? I think it is important. Individual testing can find out if there is a problem with the overall setup or a component itself is faulty.

Could you provide a link to Sparkfun test code for the codec WM8960? We dont have a sparkfun controller, we have an stm F722. Does it also work with that?