Hooking up COM port to mosaic-X5 Breakout board


I am using the SparkFun Triband GNSS RTK Breakout - mosaic-X5, and I would like to hook up a COM port to the board. I see that there is a 6-pin JST GH plug on the board connected to COM3, but I am curious how to take this to a more standard COM port or USB or something more usable. Or, I am curious how I can connect some port the other COM outputs on the board. Do you have any suggestions?


You can use the onboard USB C to connect over serial.

If you need an additional USB COM connection, I would use a 6-pin locking JST cable (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/18079) to USB to Serial (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15096).