I want to get the sensor values ​​of two MPU9250

Hello, Currently, I am facing the challenge of obtaining the relative angle between joints.

The equipment I am using are

Microcomputer board : sparkfun mini breakout

sensor : SparkFun IMU Breakout - MPU-9250

One sensor value can be obtained using the DMP library via I2C.

However, I want to get the relative angle between sensors.

Is there a way to get two sensor values ​​at the same time using the DMP library?

Hi Yosuke.

There probably is a way to do this, but we don’t have an example that shows how.

You’d need to change the I2C address on one of the boards, then grab data from both and use some math to figure out the difference but I don’t have any code that does that.

Thank you for your quick response.

Since it seems dangerous to change the library, two microcomputer boards are used.

Hi Yosuke.

There probably is a way to do this, but we don’t have an example that shows how.

You’d need to change the I2C address on one of the boards, then grab data from both and use some math to figure out the difference but I don’t have any code that does that.

Let me ask additional questions.

Can I use the DMP library via SPI instead of I2c?

Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to that. We’ve never tired it before.