Inquiry on the substitutes for Bluetooth Mate Silver.


Does anyone tell me any substitutes for the retired module ‘Bluetooth mate silver’? The module has been used with the GPS module ZED-F9P to relay RTK network signals. There might have been some related announcements from SPARKFUN for this matter. But I couldn’t find them. Thanks for help!

We currently carry


Much thanks for your reply. I found it from your on-line catalogue. It needs a separate battery. And also it is equipped with a usb connector instead of the 6 pins to UART2 in the old Mate silver. But I am not certain that it will function exactly same as the mate silver when connected to a ZED-F9P GPS module? Only thing I am supposed to do is connecting it to computer with a usb cable? Do the firmwares of ZED-F9P take over the remaining things to relay RTK signals though the Bluetooth? The on-line description of ZED-F9P took a lot of portion to describe this Bluetooth function with the mate silver. I am just puzzled about this sudden retirement of the core part!! I appreciate some more comments about this matter.

I have the same question: The “GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide” recommends using the Bluetooth Mate Silver, but this product is now retired. I would really appreciate an updated tutorial that uses a Bluetooth chip that SparkFun currently sells.