Hi All,
I am trying to interface my (SparkFun Qwiic Haptic Driver - DA7280 - https://www.sparkfun.com/products/17590) with Python3. My current set-up is as follows:
PC → SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic → Haptic Driver
I’ve trialed the accompanying Arduino sketch (/https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Qw … no_Library) & managed to get the C++ code up and running fine, modulating the vibrators intensity & frequency just fine.
Then, what I would like to do is to trigger a vibration pulse in time with some Python code. Such that, when python prints out a word, for example, a vibratory impulse would be triggered.
A few questions:
Can I interface with the vibrator using python in this ‘continuous’ method or would I need to keep uploading the triggers to the micro-controller?
Would it even be possible to trigger a vibration pulse within ~50ms using the Python to Micro-controller via USB to Vibrator via I2C?
I am a novice when it comes to both micro-controllers & C++ so, forgive me for any major misunderstandings/errors. Also if anything is unclear in the above description please let me know.
Many Thanks,