IoT Environment Kit with Azure - Does not connect / Support docs is out of date/ copy/paste issues

I followed all of the instructions. The one area that is different is the Root Cert file format. In the docs it expects a .PEM file. That no longer ecxists and it is now a .crt file. This may be why it fails to connect to Azure. It was also not clear wher to put the .PEM (or .CRT) file on the SD card. I put it at the root (not the /root) folder for updates.

BTW, this is the page that the docs link to (no .PEM in sight): … ty-details

I tried to use the menus to do the setup but could not copy/paste into the Terra Term terminal app. I switched to editing the JSON file.

Recommendations for how to troubleshoot?

Here is the output from Terra Term after RESET

SparkFun DataLogger IoT (c) 2023 SparkFun Electronics

Version: 01.01.01 - build 0000f4

Restoring System Settings …[E] Azure IoT: No device authentication key provided
[E] Azure IoT failed to initialize
restored from ESP32 Preferences
Connecting to WiFi…Connected to 2165Toyon
NTP startup [5 secs]…enabled
Azure IoT: connecting to MQTT endpoint …[E] Azure IoT: MQTT connection failed. Error Code: -2