Issue about reading and writing Monza 5 chips


I’ve bought a Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader. I tested the arduino connection and successfully connected with RPI4, python interfacing. I’ve got results reading and writing multiple rfid tags with shield’s antenna.

Now, I’ve connected an external antenna (, everything work’s fine, reading and writing rfid tags like these … 1619713288. I’ve obtained around 4 mts for reading and writing, using an external antenna as it is shown in the Youtube video.

Then, I tried the same thing but with monza 5 chip, encapsulated into a polymeric enclosure (like this,, but containing monza chip like this … -Datasheet). In this case, distance was reduced to no more than 20cm from external antenna, reading and writing.

So, should I have to change something to get more distance? I mean, I’ve been changing 5 dBm to 25dBm, and geographical region with no results. Is it a type of antenna issue? I mean, geometric internal design? If it is, can you recommend one to us?

Best regards!


Even the one we offer maxes out at 32cm, so it may be an inherent max of those style tags/enclosures (size, minimum distance for spacing the plastic, etc) - it might be a better idea to post this question in the Monza Site’s forums/support channel and seek confirmation/denial there, as it seems the SparkFun hardware is functional and we can’t support outside products

Best of luck!

Generally, the smaller your tag, the shorter the read range.

Check the video in the link below for some information about read rage. :slight_smile: