JetBot 3.0 Parts List

Hi, folks. I bought a JetBot 3.0 kit a little while back but due to life distractions I’m just getting around to assembling it. I seem to be missing several screws, including at least the ones that are used to attach the camera assembly to the top plate and the ones that attach the top plate to the brass standoffs. I stopped at that point so there may be others. Can anyone provide a full list of what fasteners I should have so I can go buy the ones I need?

They’re m3 bolts of differing lengths, see … ano-02.jpg to guesstimate how long you’ll need

You can likely just get some M3 bolts that appear close to being the right length…the chassis doesn’t experience much stress/strain

Thanks. I did see that picture in the assembly guide. They don’t seem to be just different lengths, though. For example most of the screws I did get don’t fit into the brass standoffs.

Eh, I’m not sure what’s going on with the screws you have in-hand…but I just re-verified and both types mentioned (into brass, camera mount) are both definitely M3 on my kit

I’d guess that somehow in the interim some screws in the kit were lost/exchanged…plenty can be misplaced in 6 months :smiley:

Or maybe they were incorrectly packed originally

Surefire fix: just take the parts with you to a hardware store and bingo bango

I’ll go with packed incorrectly since I hadn’t opened it. Also discovered that all of the included screws were too large to go through the mounting holes in the Jetson’s carrier board.

I have it assembled now. I have a green power light on the carrier and a blinking blue on the motor controller but nothing showed up on the OLED after several minutes so I guess it’s time to start troubleshooting.

Not booting past the Nvidia splash screen. Going to reflash the SD card with Sparkfun’s latest image.

Well, the fresh install allowed me to get to the Jetson desktop and from there I was able to successfully configure WiFi. I then disconnected, reattached the phat and started it back up. Still nothing on the OLED and no web server appeared to be running at any client on my base station. I’ll try playing with it more when i get some additional free time.