JetBot not booting up


I downloaded the v1.11 image from … rom-nvidia and when I booted up my JetBot, all it did was show the NVIDIA logo, and it didn’t direct me to the main desktop. My friends used the same image and it worked for them, and I am unsure what has gone wrong.



Hmmm, seems like a bad board to me.

If you could fill out a return form we can take it from there:

Could also be a bad card or an error during flashing. You might try a working card from another persons kit just to verify it’s not a SD card issue.

I tried the 64GB card that came with the kit, a 32GB card I had spare and I bought a new 64GB card (by Kingston) but to of no avail.

Did you format the cards and write the OS image too them?

Yes tried formatting (on windows 10), unzipped using windows (extract all) and loaded on sd card using balena etcher. Tried several times and always same problem. The screen freezes on the image of jetson nano while booting up .

However, when tried to boot using image from nvidia, the system boots up. The image from Sparkfun is preferred as it comes with many utilities pre loaded.

Any suggestions to try out further will be great.



We have a jetbot nano - v2.1. Trying to use the following image: …

It just doesnt work. Can someone suggest if Sparkfun can provide a pre-loaded micro SD card (in UK) with the above image that is guaranteed to work?

Tried all possible precautions: using balena etcher. Unzipping in different machines, using windows or 7-Zip, Using 64 GB and 128 GB cards. The robot boots up but than freezes at the green image of Nvidia at startup.

The hardware is fine as we tried the image: … and than upgraded it. But later some programs fail and suggestion we have is to use the aforementioned image.

Is there a suppier in UK that can provide an image … that is guaranteed to work. That may save us some time.



Unfortunately, we are located in the US… and I don’t see us just expanding to the UK out of the blue. You can check out [distributors here, but I don’t think we sell the SD cards, individually with the image flashed on them… probably because it isn’t cost effective (it takes a while to make copies).

Make sure you are checking the compatibility of the image you are using:

  • - v01-11 Image: Won’t fit on older non-CANVAS SD cards
  • - Canvas SD Card: [](
  • - non-Canvas SD Card: [](
  • - v01-00 Image: Not compatible with the newer Jetson Nano Models (requires upgrade)
  • - 2GB Nano Kit
  • - v2.1 Kit (with two camera connectors)
  • My recommendation (using a Win 10 computer):

  • - Use [[SD Memory Card Formatter]( to format the SD card
  • - Download the v01-10 image (Support for JetPack 4.3)
  • - Use [[Win32]( or the [[Raspberry Pi Imager]( to write the image to the SD card
  • - If this doesn't work after 2-3 tries, my guess is a corrupted SD card
  • ](

    Additionally, I should note that if you go back to the updated v01-00 image that you had working:

  • - There might be compatibility issues if you updated to Jetpack 4.4. You need to make sure you are merging in the commits from Nvidia to our fork (i.e. the jetbot folder).
  • - The [[last release]( we made is used in the v01-10 and v01-11 images, but was for Jetpack 4.3. Nvidia dropped +400 commits since then and a new Jetpack release.
  • [/list]
  • - Likewise, if you revert back to Jetpack 4.3... you can use the latest release we made.
  • ](](](](

    I have the same problem.

    Is there a way to get a bootable Version!?

    Have you tried the steps… as mentioned above?