LCD-24606 Qwiic OLED Display was working fine, now very dim

I just installed a brand new LCD-24606 display (narrow style display) using the Qwiic connection, and was able to successfully display some text to it with no issues. Then after about 15 minutes of letting a program run displaying text, the display dimmed way down. I can just barely see the text on it now, but the text is still updating. I have completely powered the whole setup down multple times, and one time I let it sit for about 5 minutes before power up as well. No change.

More detail on the setup:

The LCD-24606 is connected to the end of the iC2 device chain on a SparkFun Asset Tracker Carrier Board. There is one other device, which is an ADS1015. So the iC2 connections arew as follows:

Asset Tracker >> ADS1015 >> LCD24606

The ADS1015 has been working well, and running the same code for about a week now, no issues there.

I also have a LCD-22495 (Micro OLED Breakout) that I am testing on another mathcing setup (aside from the different displays) with the an Asset Tracker Carrier Board and an ADS1015, running the same program (aside from the configuration of the display type). That display has been running fine all day, and is still at the original brightness.

I don’t see anything in the SparkFun library for these devcies that would allow for dimming, or an auto-dimming timeout.

Is there something like that in place? Or do I have a defective device?

I am getting errors when attemtping to upload photos of these two devices… not sure what the issue is there.

Disable the i2c pull up resistors on either the ADS or the LCD (cut the traces between the pads labeled “i2c”) on one or the either and re-try/do i2cdetect

OK. I cut the traces on the LCD and tried it with the LCD at the end of the i2C chain, as well as with the ADS (which still has the traces intact) at the end.

No change.

The LCD is still showing text and the text is updating along with commands issued to it, so I know it is communicating properly, it’s just really dim.

Ah, I mis-read this. It might just be experiencing a bit of voltage drop - try powering it separately and/or alone and see if that helps

Update: I ended up ordering a replacement LCD-24606 since I was placing an order anyway. Swapped it out and the new one is working fine right out of the package. I think it was just a defective unit.

I have the same problem but with a LCD-22495. For just under a week it worked fine then occasional dimming at switch on - which soon became permanent dimming. The display is now blank totally. This unit is in the middle of three with the first and last communicating just fine… but no joy on the display. Looks like it is dead :sleepy:
Any ideas?
I’d purchase a replacement but postage to Australia is very expensive (lots more than the cost of the board)

We have a 30-day warranty if you have issues early on Return Policy - SparkFun Electronics ; just let us know if you have any dimming issues within those 30 days with the new one and we’ll send a free replacement

I am aware of the 30 day returns but I’m concerned that it will be a “no fault found” diagnosis (costing more postage) and the problem is with the thing plus not sending correct data to the OLED (sometimes sending a “blank screen” so the dimming is due to a reduced duty cycle)… and now not sending anything - most of the time.

This morning all worked normally at switch on - then after a short period the screen froze with half showing old data and half the new update. On powering off/on the screen is again blank :thinking:

…and I don’t have any of the original packaging as required for return. I didn’t think it would be needed… postage cost $US24.91 and the board only costs $US18.50

EDIT: update. If left off for quite a while when turned on it appears to work but within minutes the display locks (now at full brightness) and doesn’t update. Turning the unit off and then on again gives a blank screen again.
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Is it a faulty display or lack of drive from the Thing Plus?

Hi @Rabbi

If you use this oled library does it make a difference? Qwiic OLED Library

This is a newer implementation that is more efficient and faster than the older library

Switching out the library shouldn’t’ be too difficult - we kept the interface similar, although you need to specify a different include file and class name that matches the OLED you are using.


It could be either, but most likely a failing diode on the screen’s board…or maybe the cabling/connector. You can visually inspect the board and see if there is anything obvious going on (like a solder bridge, weak solder point, etc)

We do have an Australian distributor and it looks like they carry that screen which might help with the postage costs :slight_smile:

Hi Kirk

Tried the new library and sadly doesn’t make any difference. I also tried the “hello” example app and sometimes it displays the rectangle with the hello inside, sometimes just a random pixilated image and sometimes a blank screen.

So is it the display or the thing plus?

Unfortunately they don’t sell that particular format display (mine is actually a LCD-22495 ) - the one you refer to is rectangular with a vertical resolution of only 32 pixels - not enough unfortunately and also won’t fit in the case (different mounting). :roll_eyes:

As far as I can tell there are no issues on the board and the LEDs which are not illuminated vary… sometimes all are emitting - occasionally a few random LEDs - sometimes none at all. (See reply above)

Unclear honestly - things I would do (and you probably already have done) to help isolate the issue

  • Check the qwiic cables and connectors - make sure they are solid. If you have another cable, try that with this setup
  • If you have another Thing Plus board - try using that and see if you have the same behavior or change the OLED you’re using with the Thing+ and see if that works.

That will at least help isolate the issue.

Beyond that, nothing else comes to mind for this device from a setup/software use.


Thanks gigapod - it has me tossed as well :woozy_face:

It is the middle device on the bus and the end device is working fine… so that rules out the qwiic cables/connectors as data is passing through the display board.

Unfortunately only ordered one display and one thing plus so swapping out isn’t an option - and replacements mailed to Australia cost heaps of postage. I have been able to obtain a slightly different Sparkfun display locally which operates with the same library.

The unit sometimes functions for hours… at other times it won’t work from switch on…

From many years of working with electronics, I learned that they all contain a quantity of smoke and, after release, they no longer work :laughing:. After releasing said smoke they never recover… no smoke in this case - just intermittent operation which could be as a result if a “dry” solder joint… but none visible.

Now to await the new display…

Sounds like the new part is the answer - good luck!
