LG290P with Raspberry Pi

I’m trying to use a LG290P with a Pi 3 through the USB interface. The Pi doesn’t seem to recognize the 290P.

Is there a driver that needs to be installed on the Pi?

The product page notes ‘only the UART interface is supported by the module’

I would just pass one of the UARTs Hardware Overview - SparkFun LG290P Quadband GNSS RTK Breakout Hookup Guide Tx & Rx to the Rx & Tx of the Pi, then listen to those pins

Thanks. Somehow I thought UART included USB.

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You might be able to use raspi-config and enable serial and see if something shows up over the usb (bc the LG290P has a UART-USB on it) but hardwiring to Rx/Tx will definitely work :wink:

What is the initial baud rate on the 290P? How does one change that?

Looks like 460800 Hardware Overview - SparkFun LG290P Quadband GNSS RTK Breakout Hookup Guide

You shouldn’t need to change the board’s baud; change the Pi’s
You may need drivers for CH342 for the Pi…not sure how drivers work for those

Using the UART pins on the PI works fine, ty.

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