I’m attempting to get the Lilypad chipping away at my machine yet I get the accompanying mistake.
I had a Google for it yet everything continues highlighting an issue with the board. I swapped it out and attempted another Lilypad however got a similar mistake…
the one I am utilizing is the first Arduino Lilypad with the FTDI association.
This is the mistake message I am getting:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
To verify, you’re using this board, correct? https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10274
Can you provide screenshots of the settings in your IDE under ‘Tools’? What is displayed in the lower right corner of the IDE? Lastly, can you provide a detailed picture of your setup?
thanks for your reply
how to upload screen short of error
When you write your reply, click on the button ‘Full Editor & Preview’. In that view there is another button for ‘Upload Attachment’. When you upload an attachment an icon will appear to the right of the container box. If it is an orange X then you’ll have to redo the upload. Hit submit once you’re image gets a green checkmark.
i have upload error image
you can check it please