Little help for a first design ever

Hello everyone,

I just made my first attempt to design a really simple PCB. Just some LEDs controlled by external microprocessor and power supplied by external batteries. With resistors and transistor.

I just wanted to know by the look of the schematics and board if it looks correct for manufacturing? Even after viewing some tutorial videos and reading some articles, I’m a bit lost with the routing systems. Paper is so simple :smiley:

Thanks for the help you can provide, it means a lot and sorry for what may seem basic circuitry for you guys.


[](ImageShack - Capture2.JPG)](ImageShack - Capture.JPG)

Look great for the most part, but you’ve got something odd going on with Q1. It looks like your collector and emmiter are both connected to ground.

My guess would be that the nets (wires) coming from your LED resistors that go to Q1 are named “GND”. If so, try changing their name to something like “N75” or “Steve” or anything other than GND. … obueno.jpg

PS, The PCB fab house OSHpark has a set of DRC rules that you can use to check your design so that you can then upload it to their site. This gives you a preview of what your board will look like after fabrication. I find it super useful for checking my boards for errors, even if I don’t plan on ordering it.

The Nets in a schematic should have right angles only.

The attached pic shows what Tomdf is saying. This Net should be named something different than GND. It will also change all the nets connected to the resistors so they have a dedicated trace.

Also in Eagle, you can show the labels for all the Nets (It’s the button with a green line and “ABC” on it). This would help people while looking at your schematic.