LSM9DS1 Availability?

Hi folks,

Could you tell me the status of the two SparkFun LSM9DS1-based IMUs? Have the following two boards been retired?

SparkFun 9DoF Sensor Stick SEN-13944

SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - LSM9DS1 SEN-13284

I’ve been banging my head against the wall from all the issues with the SparkFun BNO080 and ICM-20948 IMUs and am keen to switch back to the LSM9DS1.



Thanks for reaching out to us on this.

They have not been retired - we are not currently able to source the chip used on those boards.

COVID has made sourcing chips difficult. We do not currently have an estimate from the chip manufacturer, either…our advice would be to select “Notify Me when product is available” on the website and place an order when we have stock

Hope this helps, and happy sparking!