M6E Nano with external circularly polarized antenna

Hi, my M6E Nano is successfully detecting tags with SparkFun’s recommended antenna.

However, I needed to switch to a circularly polarized antenna, so I purchased one from AliExpress and swapped it in, but I haven’t had any success reading tags with the new antenna.

Is there something I am missing? Thank you for your help

SparkFun’s antenna: UHF RFID Antenna (RP-TNC) - WRL-14131 - SparkFun Electronics.
AliExpress’ antenna: https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/32959028695.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.16.15ea1802rBYIFr&gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm

Circular polarized antenna have reduced range compared to linear ones, try upping the read power and re-try

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Could be a defective / counterfeit antenna?

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The read power was set to max power (27.00 dBm) and it didn’t help… but I’m glad to learn that the antenna is compatible. It probably is just a faulty unit then