External Antenna recommendation


I am looking for a circular polarised antenna to attach to M6E RFID starter kit. Can any one recommend an antenna that can work with this kit? I want to read multiple tags minimum 4 to 6 feet range. Also will this RFID tag work with any antenna and metal asset or do I need to get some other.

RFID Tag: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14151


The company that makes the M6E module we use on our shield has a list of recommended antennas you might have a look at.

(See below)

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/r/600-600/asse … tennas.jpg

As far as the tags we carry being used on a metal object, I have not had much luck with these attached to any metal. There are some tags made for use on metal but I don’t know how they make that work and we don’t carry any. You might check with [Atlas RFID to see what tags they have that are mountable on metal.](RFID Tags | Buy Active & Passive RFID Tags | atlasRFIDstore)

Thanks for your response. Can you share detection rate of M6E RFID starter kit, if available?

I am interested to see if the reader can give 100% detection rate. If not what are the factors that would impact this rate. ThingMagic Nano M6E only states that the reader is capable to read 200 tags/sec. So, does this mean that if I keep 200 tags in the read range all of those should be detected ?

Unfortunately I don’t have the information you’re looking for. You might try the [M6E Nano datasheet, or the [manufacturer of the M6E Nano module we use to see if they can assist.](You are being redirected...)](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/4/e/5/5/0/SEN-14066_datasheet.pdf)