Mac OS X, opeocd & cmsis-dap?


I’m trying to get openocd to work with a FRDM-KL46Z board under Mac OS X 10.9.5.

Both version 0.8 & 0.9 complain about not being able to find a cmsis-dap interface. Is this actually supported under Mac OS X?

The interface_list command does show cmsis-dap, and I can talk to the board under Windows 7 via Parallels.

Any help appreciated.


– Michael

Don’t know about FRDM-KL46Z but OpenOCD CMSIS-DAP does work on OS X. I have tested it on nRF51822, LPC11U35 & LPC1769. It is very slow though. It is OpenOCD that is slow not the CMSIS-DAP device. Running same CMSIS-DAP device on OS X with CrossWorks is over 10x faster than OpenOCD at same speed settings (adapter_khz).