MAX30101 and MAX32664 Board - DataRdyInt not enabling

I am trying to get the Pulse oximeter and Heart rate sensor to work on the TI MSP432 micro controller board. I am able to establish all of the I2C communication between the host and the board, however, once I start running through the commands to start reading data, I run into an issue when I run the command to read the sensor hub status byte. The expected output is (0xAB 0x00 0x08), however my last byte never reads 0x08. Additionally, if i run a conditional loop to keep attempting to read the sensor hub status byte until the correct output byte of 0x08, I never get the correct output and then start to get unlisted errors in the Read Status Byte value. any ideas on why this isn’t working? We are effectively running through the same program that the example 1 code does, aside from setting the MFIO interrupt as it doesn’t seem to be used, however we are stuck on this command.