MAX30101 & MAX32664 AGC algorithm parameters + threshold tweaking


  1. Example #3 in the arduino library has AGC algorithm parameters, such as

int algoRange = 80; // ADC Range (0-100%)

int algoStepSize = 20; // Step Size (0-100%)

int algoSens = 20; // Sensitivity (0-100%)

int algoSamp = 10; // Number of samples to average (0-255)

Where can I find the description of what these parameters do?

  1. Is there a “threshold” setting that I could tweak so that weaker pulse signal could be detected?

Thank you so much. page 17 has some info

Yes, increase the sensitivity and/or tweak the range, maybe also use smaller sample size

Thank you, I checked that page but don’t quite understand how the parameters work. Where can I find the description of the AGC algorithm?