MicroPython for GatorBit


I would like to move in a Python direction with my GatorBit. Does anyone have a library of GatorBit codes to use with python.microbit.org? I’ve tried using makecode.microbit.org, building my code with blocks and switching to Python, but the syntax is different between MakeCode: Python and MicroPython.

I’ve also tried using edublocks. It seems like the Python syntax in edublocks matches that of MicroPython, but there’s no GatorBit (or temperature) blocks in edublocks. If you happen to know how to import GatorBit blocks into edublocks, please let me know.

Ultimately, I need to be able to code something like display.scroll(gatorEnvironment.get_measurement(measurementType.DEGREES_F))

in order to have my MicroBit show a temperature reading from my GatorBit Environmental Sensor…using MicroPython (which does not process (gatorEnvironment.get_measurement(measurementType.DEGREES_F)))

If you happen to have a library of GatorBit codes for python.microbit.org, would you please consider sharing it with me? Thank you!

Sadly SparkFun doesn’t have MicroPython support for Gator:bit, but many of the Gator:bit boards use common sensors that someone may already have created MicroPython libraries and example code for.

For example, the [gator:environment uses a CCS811 and a BME280 sensor on the board and if you search “micropython CCS811” and “micropython BME280” there are some resources available that might help. It is possible you might need to do a bit of tinkering to get them running but those should work. :-)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15269)