microSD socket in eagle


I would like to know how to place the microSD socket part in the bottom layer in eagle. I can place any component I want (with the mirror tool), but for some reason, I can’t place the microSD socket.

I have the freeware version, but this is the only one part I cannot place in the bottom.



I can place it on the bottom layer just fine, using the mirror tool…

Make sure your clicking on it’s origin. :wink:

Thanks for the quick reply, the problem was that the socket was too close to the origin, so when I tried to mirror it, it went out of the limits for the free version… :oops: :oops: :oops: now I feel a bit stupid :lol:

:oops: :oops: :oops: now I feel a bit stupid :lol:

These little things get the best of of. Don’t sweat it. As you use Eagle more and more you’ll learn more.

When I first started with Eagle I could’nt help to constantly think “I will never get the hang of this!”. Seven years later, I’m not bad, not great, but I get what I need to get done, done. :slight_smile:

now I feel a bit stupid :lol:

My favorite Eagle brain fade is when you turn off origins. Try selecting a part then...

Worse, you group select a bunch of things but one of the layers is off (like the bottom). You drag stuff around, monkey with it, get it just right and then discover you missed the stuff on the bottom that was turned off. aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh…

While I think they could have done a better job of UI design, it’s amazingly powerful for the price.

Philba, i’ve done everything in your post a mind-boggling amount of times…

Worse, you group select a bunch of things but one of the layers is off (like the bottom). You drag stuff around, monkey with it, get it just right and then discover you missed the stuff on the bottom that was turned off.

That's my personal favorite, especially on large, complex boards.