Motor Driver "needs logic level converter for 5V"?

On the web page for the SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver ROB-15451, the last sentence of the description is:

Since the Qwiic Motor Driver is a 3.3V logic device, you’ll need to use a logic level converter to interface to 5V.

I don’t understand this. The board is powered by a QWIIC connector which provides 3.3 V power. The motors are powered by a separate power connection, specified to be 3-11 Volts. Where does a logic level converter enter the picture?


It’s poorly worded. If you are connecting the motor driver to a processor that runs on 5V, you need a level shifter between the two. If the processor runs on 3.3v or has a QWIIC connector, you just need to connect them.
