Need a list of Arduino libraries that actually work with the Blackboard Nano

I bought two of the Artemis Nanos based on the attractive specs and implication they would work with the Arduino IDE. So far, I have been greatly disappointed. Has anyone actually investigated which libraries work with the Artemis modules? I can’t get anything to compile. My assessment is these are not ready for prime time in regards to the Arduino IDE. Maybe the other environments work better, but I don’t have the time to learn new systems now.

Hi Bushedo,

The Artemis/Apollo3 Arduino core is a work in progress and is still being rapidly updated as we work on moving it from [SparkX to full-time SparkFun RedBoards with FCC certification for the Artemis module. As such, there are still going to be some quirks we’re finding and fixing so not every Arduino library out there will work with the Artemis out of the gate and we will not be able to test every library out there for compatibility.

Update: All SparkFun Qwiic Arduino libraries should work with the Artemis line/Apollo3 Core. Just download/update the latest version and you should have no issues.

If you have a specific SparkFun library you’re trying to get working with your Artemis boards, please let us know which one(s) and we would be happy to look into it.

One last note, there is a nifty tool called [Travis CI that lets you set up and test the compatibility of your code with a variety of platforms. The SparkX team is experimenting with this tool to check the compatibility of some of our libraries with the Apollo3 core so if you’d like to try, you could use that tool and check if a specific library will work with the Apollo3 core.](](