OpenScale not giving weight reading with 4 strain gauges and built-in load cell combinator


I’m having trouble getting an OpenScale board to work as expected.

With 4x 50kg loadcells connected to the built-in combinator, I get no weight reading (only 0) and the raw data from open scale is not varying.

I measured the resistance between pairs and think I figured that the red wire is indeed the center-tap.

Attached is a picture of the setup I’m using.

Am I missing something here? Is there a jumper or a configuration that needs to be made so that the board uses the combinator output instead of the screw terminal load cell?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, what are you using to see the data? Serial monitor? Kindly check if your selected baud rate in the serial monitor is as same as the baud rate that you’ve declared in your code.

Hello, thanks for the reply,

The issue is not with the serial connection as I was able to configure the openscale to show raw readings.

This is what I’m getting in the serial monitor :

Serial Load Cell Converter version 1.2

By SparkFun Electronics

No remote sensor found

Minimum time between reports: 926

Press x to bring up settings







As you can see, the is no variation whatsoever in the raw readings.

I noticed one tiny Strain gauge wire was shorted hence causing the issue.

Good old problem between keyboard and chair. It works as expected now