Now I have to first draw a rough sketch and then edit all the lines from properties. I have also tried to make a liberary(sic) object for the polygon, but this just gave a lot of DRC errors because I had to put pads inside the polygon to be able to connect wires to it.
I ran into the same problem, but found two work arounds.
The first and obvious is to ignore the DRC errors. This is a
bad work practice (much like by-passing a safety switch on
dangerous machinery…)
In Version 5.x you can now declare DRC errors as approved
so they don’t clutter the dialog box and don’t trip each time
you run the DRC again.
The second work around is to place guides or witness marks in
a brand new custom library part on a layer not needed for PCB
design and CADCAM. I use the Document layer 48.
Import the new library symbol and use layer 48 as a guide
to place components in the board editor. This is a good way
to get accurate location and avoids accidental "bumping’
of critical dims with the mouse.
My first use of this technique was for PCB outlines to fit
specific holes and outline routing. Here’s a snapshot of
[my library for outlines, likely you can pick it up easily but
ask if my short cuts are not clear.
The polygon is going to represent a optimal mitered bend for a microstrip line.
Hmm. The stumbling block for me was that I couldn’t edit
the pad size and shapes.
However, for your project the library part could
be created accurately on the document layer (as
noted) and either traced in your final layout or
changed to an active signal layer. I’d have to try
that out. EAGLE is a cruel mistress most days.](