Powering the gator:bit v2


Is it recommended to use a AC/DC-adaptor for powering up the gator:bit v2?

or is it the battery-box (4AAs) only?

The one I have in mind has these specs:

model 0520

Input: 100-240V AC


Output: 5V ---- 2A

best regards


Hello Sophie,

The recommended DC input is rated between 2.7V - 9V. Your power supply should work.

I hope this helps.

I’m deciding between getting a 4xAA battery set (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9835) or the rechargable lithium ion battery pack (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15204) for powering a micro:bit + the gator:bit v2. (I noticed that my 2xAAA pack doesn’t provide enough to power the gator’s speaker.)

Any advice on those?

The 4AA battery pack would be a better option, it provides more power to the gator:bit than by applying power through the micro:bit’s USB jack.

The speaker isn’t very loud on the gator:bit, but there is a switch that turns it on and off. Make sure the “Music” switch in the lower left hand corner of the board it turned on otherwise the speaker won’t work. :slight_smile: Double check that first, you might not need a battery after all.

I’m getting 4.8v across two of the rivets, but only a few hundred mv of meter noise across the barrel jack plug. If I plug in to the moto:bit I (thinking maybe I didn’t have good connection inside the jack to my probe), I get a steady 233mv across the pins of the jack.