Problem with ArduinoBT =/

Hey guys, hope this is the right place to put this. I discovered sparkfun recently and found a lot of goodies on the site. Now as a college senior, I’ve been given some funds to do any project I wish so I got myself a ArduinoBT and the 6DOF razor imu from sparkfun intending to build a autonomous quadcopter. However, while the IMU works great, I’m having some problems with the ArduinoBT.

The original problem with the BT was that the connection to the pc works great. However, any code uploads would fail miserably. I’ve managed to solve that problem by timing the reset button with the upload and after probably 50 tries, got it to work regularly. That seems to be a common problem with the ArduinoBT.

But now, I’m having problems just connecting the BT to the pc. Power checks out, and using putty, I can see from the “set” command that everything else seems to be in order (serial is still 115200, name and pass is correct). Sometimes, the pc would find the BT, but the connection will be fleeting. Sometimes, it can even make it to connecting with the Arduino, but the connection isn’t good (takes usually long to connect, and falls out of connection regularly). And even when it does establish a connection, the upload code procedure doesn’t work anymore. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with the board, or with the pc, or anything else.

Any help on this problem is greatly appreciated :slight_smile: . Also, I do have a regular USB arduino if that helps in resolving the problem.

Hi there,

as a matter of fact I’ve had the very same problems with the BT which is why I finally decided to buy and use an ISP for programming. The AVR mk II and particularly the USBtinyISP (which costs considerably less) have both worked fine ever since I got them.