I am using the arduino library to communicate with the M6E nano reader with arduino uno, there aren’t communication problems. When a single tag is read, the system responds well, but when I start reading more than two tags, many messages are generated with BAD CRC, if I read ten tags, only two are identified and the rest of the inaccuracies are BAD CRC.
What i need to do in the library or hardware?
Please, i need your help.
If you have a lot of tags very close to one another, that can cause the CRC error. What’s happening is the tags are interfering with one another. Try spreading them out a bit and see if that helps.
Hello, I already took them away a bit. As seen in the 2 images when I use URA, there is no problem, the reader identifies all the tags, but with Arduino many BAD CRC are generated.
How i said, when i use just one tag, no there are problems in arduino.
This could also be a power issue. How are you powering the Arduino/shield combination? Have you tried connecting a power supply to the Arduino in addition to the USB cord as outlined in the hookup guide?
Yes, I supply energy to my arduino as shown in the image.

That’s an image from our website, not of your setup.
Can you post an image of your setup?
What voltage is your AD adapter? How much current is it rated for?