Qwiic Pi servo pHAT... alternate use to program a ESP32 Pro Mini??

So on my previous post, I was asking IF I needed a CH340 adapter for my whim (free shipping) purchase of the ESP32. I noticed that I have a servo pHAT sitting around attached to another project that has a CH340 chip and a RVR headeder that has +5v GND, RXI, and TXO pins… could that be used with jumpers as a means to attach to my Pro Mini and get it talking to the computer?

That might work.

You will need to supply the pro mini with 5 volts from the phat and the phat will need to be supplied with 3.3 volts from the pro mini.

It’s not as simple as using a FTDI/CH340 breakout since the phat assumes it’s connected to a pi and is configured as such.

So does the Pro Mini receive 5v from the CH340TTL adapter? I cant seem to figure out if I should be supplying 3.3 or 5v to the header holes where the breakout would go. I actually had the qwiic connected and it seemed to back power the ESP32 without any GND/RAW or other connections at all. Too bad I can’t program this over I2C haha. Seriously though, it does seem to be getting a feed from the USB-in 5v of the pHAT and supplying the ESP dev board with 3.3. I heard the distinctive ding of device connected in my PC.