So I have had the redboard turbo for a while and it worked fantastic, especially after I got a hang of the SerialUSB. Recently I was trying to use an sd1306 oled with it and some other sensors. I got the sensor code to work and read the environment but when I tried to implement the oled code, it froze. Now windows says the last usb device malfunctioned and windows shut it down. I double tapped and then it popped back up on the COM. Then I tried to upload the code again and it gave me the same error. I tried to upload the demo of the oled that I got to work and I don’t get the error, but the code doesn’t execute and the oled won’t turn on. I’m stuck

Hi ntsuflame,

Have you tried to uninstall the driver from Windows and let the OS reinstall it? If that does not work, can you please take a screenshot of the error(s) you are seeing when you try to upload to the board? Is it only Windows that is throwing the error or does Arduino print an error as well?