I have a Redboard Turbo DEV-14812
I tested a few things such as blinking LED and playing a song using the MP3 Qwiic Trigger and it worked fine.
However, now windows does not recognize the USB device when I plug the board. The board is no longer detected so I cannot upload code. How can I fix this?
Also, the charge LED is always on. The hookup guide says it should only be on when a battery is plugged and charging. I did not plug any battery.
Before the USB failed, I noticed that there was nothing showing in the serial monitor, despite using code provided by sparkplug and replacing Serial by SerialUSB as provided in the hookup guide.
Any idea how I can fix the USB not recognized thing?
We have seen some issues with the SAMD21 drivers on certain Windows Operating Systems recently. We believe that a Windows update may have broke something.
What version of Windows are you running currently? Have you tried a different computer with a different OS?
Also, the charge LED doesn’t mean anything when you don’t have a battery attached. Sometimes it might be on, sometimes it might be off. It could even blink or flicker but this means nothing without a battery.
If you DO have a battery attached, the LED is on while charging and off when the battery is fully charged.
Thanks for the reply.
Windows 10 version: 1803 (17134.648)
I also tried on a linux computer (debian distro) and it simply did not show up at all. I will try again tonight.
I’m starting to suspect I have a defective board.
EDIT: I would like to add that the board worked for maybe 5 minutes of intermittent use before it was no longer recognized by windows. I did not reboot in the meantime so there was no new version of windows in that time frame.
If you double click the reset button, does the board pop up in windows then?
Yes, double-clicking made it work. I found the problem and it’s 100% me.
The redboard turbo is connected to a Qwiic MP3 Trigger. I used the example code found here: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Qw … aySong.ino
However, while testing, I removed this part, which caused the board to crash and stop being detected:
//Check to see if Qwiic MP3 is present on the bus
if (mp3.begin() == false)
Serial.println("Qwiic MP3 failed to respond. Please check wiring and possibly the I2C address. Freezing...");
while (1);
My understanding is that the the Qwiic MP3 takes about 1500ms to boot. By removing this, I tried to play a song without waiting for the Qwiic MP3 to boot, so it crashed.
Double-clicking the reset button resets the code, so my computer could detect the board again.
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: Or perhaps ```
The Qwiic MP3 Trigger should boot on it’s own 1.5 to 2 seconds after power up.
You might try putting a delay(2000); in void setup() to give the MP3Trigger a chance to fully wake up. Sending commands to the board before it’s fully awake could hang you code.