RJ11 6-Pin Connector - 3D Model vs Datasheet/Photos

Hi all,

i’m currently designing an enclosure that will use an RJ11 jack, so i downloaded the STEP file from the product page: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/132

While designing the cutout for the jack, i noticed that the 3D model looks very different from the photos on the product page, and the dimensions are also completely off. There’s also no “registration bar” on the underside at the front, but a raised lip.

This has the long “registration bar” on the underside, and no raised lip : https://cdn.sparkfun.com//assets/parts/ … 132-03.jpg

The dimensions are also completely different with a height of 15mm in the datasheet, vs. 12.573mm in the 3D model.

Same for the width, datasheet: 13.34mm, vs. 13.284mm in the 3D model.

So which version is being shipped to me, the same as in the 3D Model or the one from the datasheet and photos?


Alright, this is somewhat tricky as we are only in the warehouse 1 day of the week to test stuff in-hand, but this is the info relayed to me…these responses lead me to believe that NONE of the specs from the manufacturer are correct, and the 3d model is for an outdated version :frowning:

Your best bet is likely to get one in-hand and go from there

<-"Is there a step/ledge on the bottom? is it slanted or straight? and how tall is the difference?

(I think it’s 0.8mm and straight…)

→ The connector is slanted. Hence the different bottom and top measurements.

Difference is 2.5mm it seems, 20.50 - 18

http://www.4uconnector.com/online/objec … /14869.pdf I’m talking about the 2 sizes marked 15 and 15.8 here

→ It is 15mm flush height on both sides. 15mm tall, 13.50mm wide, 20.50mm long on the bottom, 18mm long on the top"

So, it’s flat on bottom, the Front side is flat and the rear is slanted, 13.5 wide, 15mm tall

Thanks, i still haven’t received the parts i ordered from you (shipped via FedEx 6 weeks ago), so i sourced those connectors locally, at a massive premium.

The connectors do match the specs in the datasheet on your website (https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Pro … asheet.pdf) and also the photo, so it’s only the 3D Models that are incorrect.