I’m trying to use a Roving Networks RN42 module which seems to have an almost identical pinout to the RN41 (except that pins 25, 26 and 27 are not there) so I started to look at converting the SparkFun Eagle CAD RN41 part to RN42.
After checking that the pin functions were the same - they were, it should have been as simple as removing the 3 unused pins but I then noticed that the order of the pins along the short edge appears to be messed up. According to the data sheet, going from left to right, it should be…
35, 29, 34, 33, 32, 31, 28, 30
but on the SparkFun Eagle CAD RN41 package those numbers are…
30, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 28, 35 !!!
Either the guys at SparkFun know something I don’t or they made that package after coming back from the pub at lunchtime.
I’m wondering if I’ve found and error and I would appreciate a confirmation either way. Ideally before I send the board off for manufacture.