Rotary Encoder Question

Sorry if this is a stupid question… I have purchased a rotary encoder here and I’m trying to make it work with my Arduino. Have found several pieces of code, and thought I understood the concept behind the device. My basic question is: Does the device pulse when turned or do the contacts stay opened or closed. Trying to use a meter between a-c & b-c does not seem to work. :? Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.

When the control is turned, the A/B outputs go through a sequence that can be detected. They don’t pulse, per se. Here is a [thread discussing rotary encoders and the Arduino that may be helpful.](Arduino + rotary encoder - SparkFun Electronics Forum)

Thanks and yep, I looked at that prior to posting my question. The pattern should go like:

Pin A: 0011 0110 1100 1001

Pin B: 0110 1100 1001 0011

Should the pins stay High or Low after the click? or do they only change states for a split second? My thought was that they stayed High or Low and should be able to be read with simple meter. When it didn’t work with the Arduino, that’s when I started checking it with the meter between a-c & b-c. Basically same results as Arduino…so I figure I don’t know what I’m doing. Guess it could be a defective control, but I’m leaning more towards the former… :shock: