RTK Facet firmware upgrade

Have two RTK facets that show V 1.9 firmware on the LED at startup. Trying to upgrade firmware, but appears can’t via wifi as it doesn’t appear to be supported in that version (starts 3.0 according to documentation).

Both are functioning, and can connect to both via Tera Term. I tried to upgrade via serial, but receive an “unable to read receiver and software” message from the Sparkfun RTK u-blox update GUI.

I loaded the newer firmware binary to the SD card, and this isn’t automatically loaded on start up, and the current version of the firmware doesn’t have an explicit update firmware selection in the main menu, or any of the sub-menus.

I combed through the forums and didn’t find a response that helped with this, I would expect someone has run into this problem before, but don’t see it posted.

Any ideas?

Please see ‘Updating RTK Firmware’ : https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … re_update/

You need to use the RTK Firmware update tool, not the u-blox update tool. You should only rarely need to use u-blox to update the ZED-F9x firmware.

Hello, GNSS forum. I decided to purchase the basic RTK surveyor kit and decided to update both the GNSS and esp32 firmware. I opened the RTK manual to follow the suggestions of the people that built the RTK systems sold by Sparkfun. At this time, I found the firmware update section, https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … re_update/, and read that the OTA method was the suggested method. So I click the OTA link expecting an explanation of the method. Instead, I received a https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … er-the-air

,404 broken links. And at that time, I started exploring the RTK manual using my android phone, four local computers, and one friend’s computer in San Antonio, tx. and found MANY 404 pages!

I joined the forum and attempted to post my question about why there were so many 404 pages. So as a stopgap measure, I posted a comment on the surveyor page asking the question. Unfortunately, I received a response informing me that the, I assume, local Sparkfun copy of the RTK manual DID NOT HAVE ANY BROKEN LINKS, and therefore I must be mistaken. Therefore, It’s a problem with all of the browsers I used.

Then there is the question about the surveyor’s local wifi. I received my surveyor RTK kit from Amazon to expedite the shipping, and the surveyor arrived with firmware 2.2. I installed the windows firmware updater and installed firmware 3.1, then 3.0. so how do you activate the RTK surveyor’s local wifi? The toggle of the rover/base/rover switch didn’t seem to work. So I reinstalled V2.2.

So, what’s up with all of the broken pages, at least on my and my friend’s computers, or can I have a local copy of the RTK manual?

, I started exploring the RTK manual using my android phone, four local computers, and one friend’s computer in San Antonio, tx. and found MANY 404 pages!

Sounds like an internet outage somewhere at sparkfun. I’m sure someone will fix that during the work week. :smiley:

I hope so since I was told it is my problem, regardless of the different browsers used even in different states.

I believe that the RTK manual would be a great resource.

Thanks for reporting 404 links. Our apologies.


Sorry for the confusion. We do not claim our documentation is perfect. We stated only that this is the first that we are hearing of any 404 broken links.

Please continue to post reports in this way: ‘on this page, this link is broken’

On this page: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … re_update/

The text “OTA Method: Connect over WiFi to SparkFun to download” is broken: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … er-the-air

This link has been fixed.

Then there is the question about the surveyor’s local wifi. I received my surveyor RTK kit from Amazon to expedite the shipping, and the surveyor arrived with firmware 2.2. I installed the windows firmware updater and installed firmware 3.1, then 3.0. so how do you activate the RTK surveyor’s local wifi? The toggle of the rover/base/rover switch didn’t seem to work. So I reinstalled V2.2.

The documentation is written to the latest firmware. Please update your ESP32 firmware to v3.1 to enter your device’s WiFi credentials: https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … menu_wifi/