RTK Surveyor - Design Issues

I am using the RTK Surveyor as a archaeology documentation tool, not as a surveying tool. As such a helical antenna is attached directly to the surveyor. Sub-meter accuracy is sufficient to document most features and exact elevation rarely needed. The surveyor is often carried in a pack and the recorded track is sufficient to document the area searched. The following problems were noted in initial testing.

SMA Antenna Connector - The hole to access the SMA was not centered on the connector and it was impossible to fully tighten the SMA connector, which may lead to RF signal reduction. The bottom edge of the connector was binding against the plastic insert. A file applied to the plastic insert fixed this problem.

Power Switch - Both switches are too easy to accidentally change position. The Rover/Base mode switch can be disconnected so it will always be in Rover mode. The Power switch is a bigger problem since it is easy to accidentally turn On or Off, especially when carried in a pack. Using sticky tape to hold the switch in the correct position is a poor solution.

There needs to be someway to hold the switch in the desired position, either On or Off.

Otherwise, testing has indicated outstanding performance. The Bluetooth range outdoors has been measured in excess of 30 meters. If the power switch issue could be resolved, this would be an excellent option for archaeology students who don’t have access to multi-thousand dollar Trimble units.

The Power switch easily turning on is primarily due to a wimpy power switch. The Setup switch takes significantly more force and has a positive snap when it is pressed. The Power switch takes very only a small amount of force and there is no snap when it turns On and Off. The power switch can be set so it is in the halfway position between On and Off, something not possible to do on the Setup switch. Could SparkFun send me another one of power switches so I can replace the switch to see if that reduces the accidental turning on power?

Hi corpsedog.

If you purchased the RTK Surveyor directly off our website, just [fill in the form on this page with your order number and the URL to this forum post and I can get you a replacement switch.](Return Policy - SparkFun Electronics)

I would like to get a replacement switch. There is no form on the page and I don’t want to post the order number in the forum. It was ordered on 2-6-2021 directly from SparkFun. Can I send the request to the support@sparkfun.com email address?

The attached picture should help.