RTK Surveyor


I bought 2 RTK Surveyor. One of them works well the other one does not work

I can connect with Bluetooth to it in SW maps but I don’t see any of the satellites.

I took the antenna off the one that is working and put it on the one that is not working and I get the same thing no satellites

The yellow LED is flashing at about the same rate as the one that’s working

I am using the Serial Telemetry Radio Kit. The LEDs on the radios show that there connected but the accuracy is still 3 meters or more.

I tried switching the base station on and off. Also turned the working one-off and only using the none working one but it is still not working

The blinking yellow LED is Pulse Per Second is a good sign and indicates the GPS has got a lock (seeing satellites) and all is well. But the fact that nothing is getting to SW Maps is telling.

You are welcome to do a return. We’ll get you a working unit within a day. But I suspect that the internal Serial1 switch got left in the wrong position during programming. If you’re comfortable opening the unit, remove the two black screws from the bottom of the unit and lift the top. You should see two switches in the lower left corner.

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … itches.jpg

Make sure both are slid ‘up’.

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … itches.jpg

Again, if this is not your cup of tea, feel free to return the unit and we’ll get it sorted.


That’s what the problem was the switch was not up

I can see both radios on SW Maps now thanks

The next question I have is I set the switch on one of RTY to base. I have tried both radios in a different configuration

I have the telemetry radio connected but the red light keeps flashing red on the RTK and the accuracy lights do not light

I have two sets of telemetry radios and I tried both sets. The red light flashes on the base radio faster than the receiver radio.
