RTK Surveyor Raw Data Logging

Hi. I am trying to log raw data to a micro SD card on the RTK Surveyor, but it is not writing a raw (“.ubx”) file.

Following the Hookup Guide (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … okup-guide), I have enabled the SD card as well as the raw GNSS output. I have configured the device using the serial terminal (enable raw GNSS sentences), as well as verifying the configurations in the ‘setup’ file on the SD card. Through the serial menu, I am enabling #7 in the GNSS Menu (#1 in the Main Menu). In “SFE_Surveyor_Settings.txt”, I can see that gnssRAWoutput=1 and enableSD=1.

The system is writing the NMEA messages to text files, but there are no other files created. I have tried this with the RTK surveyor operating as a Rover and as a BASE, but no raw data logging in either case.

Is there another setting that must be enabled? I appreciate the help. Thanks!

Hi. I’m just nudging my original inquiry – any assistance would be appreciated. I believe I followed the guide, correctly, but if I missed something, please point it out. I’d really like to log the raw data, but it does not create the .ubx (RAWX) file. Do I need to enable writing the raw data using the ublox configuration?

Overall, this is a useful, straightforward receiver for RTK – I’ve had no difficulty connecting my own telemetry radios to it. The system is really compact and portable. It would simply be nice to use this for some rapid static surveying.

Thanks, again!

Okay … for those who are interested, here is the answer:

The log file created (e…g, "SFE_Surveyor_210301_145030.txt) actually contains the binary raw data, in addition to the other NMEA messages. This file can be directly read into RTKCONV (part of RTK_lib) and converted into a RINEX observation file. The only catch is that one needs to change the suffix from “.txt” to “.ubx”. Then it produces a nice OBS file for any sort of post-processing. Thanks to Nate for clarifying the file format. He has also explained a bit more over on the Github site for the RTK Surveyor: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_RT … r/issues/7.

In short, all one needs to do to log raw data to the microSD card and convert it to RINEX is: (1) enable writing to the SD card, (2) enable rawGNSSoutput, (3) after completing the survey, copy the file and change the suffix to “.ubx”, and (4) convert it to RINEX using RTKCONV. Then, you are free to go to OPUS, GAMIT, GYPSY, or any other post processor.