Hi Troy and thanks for posting!
By default, the Servo Trigger is looking for the IN pin to go low, or drop to ground and that causes the board to move the servo. If you check out the [hookup guide, in the section labeled ‘Input Polarity’ we discuss how to change this behavior so that the board looks for IN to go high, or look for a voltage to toggle state.
Here’s the text from the hookup guide:
Input Polarity
The Servo Trigger input sensitivity can also be changed, using solder jumper 2 (SJ2).
The default configuration, with no solder applied, configures the Servo Trigger for use with a normally-open switch, with the internal pull-up resistor on the microcontroller enabled. This configuration is also suitable for use with an active-low logic input.
With SJ2 closed, the internal pull-up is disabled, and the input is set as an active-high logic input.
If SJ2 is closed, be careful about powering up the Servo Trigger when the input is not connected to anything. When the input is floating, it can randomly toggle between active and inactive and may cause the motor to behave unpredictably.
A note about nomenclature here: since the input polarity can be swapped, it can be hard to talk about – the voltage might be high, but when the sense is inverted, it indicates that the input isn’t being actuated. To help navigate this, the polarity-neutral terms active or asserted are used to describe when the input is being used, and inactive or deasserted to describe the default state.
What you’re going to want to do is close the SJ2 jumper on the back of the board to set this mode up. Then the board is going to look for between 3 and 5 volts to activate. You don’t want to exceed 5 volts or you could damage the board.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/servo-trigger-hookup-guide)