SIK v4.0 on Mac OS X 10.14 with USB-C ports

Hello I have a new SIK v4.0 kit I was hoping to use with my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.14. I’ve downloaded and installed FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_4_2 and my Mac just doesn’t see /dev/cu.usbserial… in the Tools > Port menu. Are there any solutions to this problem? This laptop has USB-C ports. Thanks!

Hi Lynne,

Most likely OS X is prioritizing the pre-installed VCP driver over the FTDI driver and you will need to do some extra configuration to get this to work. FTDI has some great installation guides for various operating systems on their site. For Mac OS X, please follow the instructions in [this guide for disabling the Apple-provided VCP on OS X 10.9 and later. If that does not work, you may need to uninstall the FTDI driver, disable the Apple VCP and then re-install the FTDI Driver. After that, you should see the RedBoard show up as a serial device you can upload to in Arduino.

If you are still having issues getting the RedBoard to work after following FTDI’s Installation Guide, let us know and we can troubleshoot further.](