Hi Forum,
Let me start off by saying: I am not an engineer. So my understanding of electronics is limited. I find it a great hobby though.
What I plan on using in my current project
Currently I am trying to build something using this slide pot (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10976) as a linear actuator and an ESP32 Thing to control the motorized slide. I would use a motor-driver to connect everything https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14451
My problem
I would like to power the whole project with a wall socket using just one power cable going into the circuit. I can use VUSB to power the ESP32 with up to 6V and power the motorised slide with 6〜11V. I can feed up to 15V to the motor-driver safely.
Can I power the ESP32 and the motor-driver (= the motorized slide) with one power supply stationary?
I already checked this forum among other things. As an amateur I find it hard though to find and follow the right topics. Hence am thankful for every nudge in the right direction. Thank you very much!