I am running the “SparkFun_HX711_Calibration.ino” obtained from:
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/lo … okup-guide
I have the S Load Cell sitting on a desk. The weight of the object used for calibration is 1.459kg but as I put it on the S Load Cell, the Serial Monitor shows 3kg. Am I supposed to keep pressing - and return alternatively until the serial monitor shows 1.459kg? So far, I have to keep pressing these two keys many times to reduce the reading by 0.1kg. Is there a faster way to do it?
Is one decimal accuracy sufficient for the HX711? If I use g, I will need to keep pressing - and return impractical number of times.
Also, with the S Load Cell sitting on a desk and no load above it, the readings from the Serial Monitor shows 0.0 kg or -0.0kg. Do I need to worry about the sign in the no load case?