Hello, I have a Open Log Artemis (OLA) I would like to us as datalogger; to measure temp and humidity I would use the Spark X Aht20 that is in the list of automatically recognised sensor. I read all the documetation I found and updated successfully firmware and bootloader. Everything seem ok with the OLA and the AHT20 red power light is on. However I still have troubles in connecting the AHT20.
I receive the following error message:
Identifying Qwiic Muxes…
Identifying Qwiic Devices…
Known I2C address but device failed identification at address 0x38
Autodetect complete
I am pretty new of Arduino and I do not know how to solve that issue (likely an easy one), but I did not find the right way in internet and the forum, so I am asking here. Thank you for helping.
13:33:09.240 → 3) Configure IMU Logging
13:33:09.240 → 4) Configure Serial Logging
13:33:09.240 → 5) Configure Analog Logging
13:33:09.240 → 6) Detect / Configure Attached Devices
13:33:09.283 → 7) Configure Power Options
13:33:09.283 → h) Print Sensor Helper Text (and return to logging)
13:33:09.283 → s) SD Card File Transfer
13:33:09.283 → r) Reset all settings to default
13:33:09.283 → q) Quit: Close log files and power down
13:33:09.283 → x) Return to logging
13:33:11.688 →
13:33:11.688 → Menu: Configure Attached Devices
13:33:11.688 → No devices detected on Qwiic bus
13:33:11.688 → 1) Configure Qwiic Settings
13:33:11.724 → 2) Detect Bio Sensor Pulse Oximeter: Disabled
13:33:11.724 → x) Exit