SPARK X AHT20 not recognised by Open Lo Artemis

Hello, I have a Open Log Artemis (OLA) I would like to us as datalogger; to measure temp and humidity I would use the Spark X Aht20 that is in the list of automatically recognised sensor. I read all the documetation I found and updated successfully firmware and bootloader. Everything seem ok with the OLA and the AHT20 red power light is on. However I still have troubles in connecting the AHT20.

I receive the following error message:

Identifying Qwiic Muxes…

Identifying Qwiic Devices…

Known I2C address but device failed identification at address 0x38

Autodetect complete

I am pretty new of Arduino and I do not know how to solve that issue (likely an easy one), but I did not find the right way in internet and the forum, so I am asking here. Thank you for helping.

13:33:09.240 → 3) Configure IMU Logging

13:33:09.240 → 4) Configure Serial Logging

13:33:09.240 → 5) Configure Analog Logging

13:33:09.240 → 6) Detect / Configure Attached Devices

13:33:09.283 → 7) Configure Power Options

13:33:09.283 → h) Print Sensor Helper Text (and return to logging)

13:33:09.283 → s) SD Card File Transfer

13:33:09.283 → r) Reset all settings to default

13:33:09.283 → q) Quit: Close log files and power down

13:33:09.283 → x) Return to logging

13:33:11.688 →

13:33:11.688 → Menu: Configure Attached Devices

13:33:11.688 → No devices detected on Qwiic bus

13:33:11.688 → 1) Configure Qwiic Settings

13:33:11.724 → 2) Detect Bio Sensor Pulse Oximeter: Disabled

13:33:11.724 → x) Exit


The AHT20 should work ok… I just tested it and got the following:

Artemis OpenLog v2.5

SD card offline

Datalogging offline

Serial logging offline

IMU online

Identifying Qwiic Muxes…

Identifying Qwiic Devices…

Autodetect complete

Device config file read failed: SD offline

Humidity-AHT20 online at address 0x38

Content-Type: text/csv

Which version of the OLA firmware are you running?

Upgrade instructions are here if you need them: …

Please check the I2C Pull-Up jumpers are closed / linked - on the back of the AGT20 board.

Best wishes,


Hello Paul, thank you for quick answer :slight_smile:

Here readings at start:

17:14:37.333 → Artemis OpenLog v2.5

17:14:37.379 → Logging to: dataLog00036.TXT

17:14:37.472 → Finding the next available log file.

17:14:37.472 → This could take a long time if the SD card contains many existing log files.

17:14:37.472 → Logging to: serialLog00000.TXT

17:14:37.752 → SD card online

17:14:37.752 → Data logging online

17:14:37.752 → Serial logging online

17:14:37.752 → IMU online

17:14:37.752 → Logging to microSD card with no terminal output

17:14:38.252 → Identifying Qwiic Muxes…

17:14:38.253 → Identifying Qwiic Devices…

17:14:38.471 → Known I2C address but device failed identification at address 0x38

17:14:38.517 → Autodetect complete

17:14:38.596 → Content-Type: text/csv

17:14:38.596 →

17:14:38.596 → rtcDate,rtcTime,aX,aY,aZ,gX,gY,gZ,mX,mY,mZ,imu_degC,output_Hz,

I tried the AHT20 on Arduino Uno and it works well

I upload the Sparkfun AHT20 library (last version on Github), but perhaps I do not use/select the right board on COM? After several trials I selected Sparkfun Redboard Artemis and I obtain the above message; is that right?

I apologize, but I do not know how " check the I2C Pull-Up jumpers are closed / linked - on the back of the AGT20 board". I did not made any changes on the AHT20 board.

I really appreciate your help.


Hi Stefano,

I am sorry you are having problems with the OpenLog Artemis and the AHT20. I have tried to replicate your issue, but - for me - the AHT20 works OK.

I am not sure what to suggest. You are welcome to return the board:

Apologies for the inconvenience,


Hi Stefano,

How long is the Qwiic (I2C) cable between the OpenLog Artemis and the AHT20? If it is long (>10cm), please try a shorter cable.

Best wishes,


Hi Paul

the cable is a standard Sparkfun 10 cm long. Tha AHT20 (see picture ).

It is possible I selected a wrong board under the Arduino IDE menu “Select Other Board and Port” ?

In the list, among others (eg Arduino, Adafruit, Sparkfun, etc …) I can see/select only these SparkFun: Artemis, Artemis ATP, Artemis Nano and the Sparkfun Redboard: DevKit, MicroMod, Module, ThingPlus.

Among options there is no the Artemis Open Log: I am wrong?

Thank you again


Hi Stefano,

Thank you for the photo. Everything looks OK. I can not explain why the AHT20 is not recognised. All I can suggest is that you return it, if you want to. Sorry!

The OpenLog Artemis runs its own dedicated firmware. It is possible to upload your own firmware using the “SparkFun Apollo3 \ RedBoard Artemis ATP” board, but it is a difficult thing for a beginner. If you want to try, there is example code here: … 20Sketches

Best wishes,


Hi Paul, I am trying to make a data logger with IMU and temperature sensor to put in a dummy bird egg to study brooding behaviour and the OLA would fit it well compared to other options I considered. However, it seems the way is still at the very start … Thank you for offering to return the AHT20 but I bought it from Mouser Italy and likely it will be complicate to send it back to Sparkfun in the USA. May be I can try to buy a new one or a different but with similar features still easy to add to the OLA (?) . Last thing: inside the IDE I checked for the “board info” and I had in return the following info:

BN: Unknown board

VID: 0x1A86

PID: 0x7523

SN: (null)

not sure this is ok …

thank again


PS trying uploading a self made firmware would damage the OLA? I am not sure about what I can do or not

Hi Paul,

finally I ordered a new Sparkfun AHT20 board and it works! So it seems the problem was a faulty board.

However, playing with menus and settings , after I used the command “q” followed by “y” to stop OLA from logging and then I close and reopen the serial terminal to restart the OLA, the AHT20 was not found and the serial showed the same message I reported in my first message. Anyway, after restarting the IDE and resetting the OLA, the AHT20 was again recognised. I do not know if that could be useful in anyway.

Best regards


Hi Stefano,

Thank you for the update. I am sorry you have had problems with the AHT20. I am glad it is working for you.

Perhaps it is related to the Qwiic bus speed or pull-ups? I recommend using the default speed (100kHz) and the default pull-up resistance. If in doubt, use option “r” to reset the settings to the default.

I released version 2.6 of the OpenLog Artemis firmware yesterday. It contains some improvements, but nothing related to the AHT20.

Very best wishes,
