Sparkfun 9Dof Razor IMU M0 missing from the boards list in Arduino

I have done a lot of projects with the Sparkfun 9Dof Razor IMU M0, and went to work on one of them today. The Sparkfun SAMD (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) Boards did not show up in the boards list. I’m not sure why, so I went to the 9Dof Razor IMU M0 hookup guide and went through that again. The Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+) by Arduino was still installed, and the Sparkfun Board Definition was still listed in the Additional Board Manager URLs text box.

Then I went back to the Board Manager and found that the Sparkfun SAMD Boards were not installed, so I installed them.

After this I went back to Tools, Board to select the Sparkfun 9Dof Razor IMU M0, but it is not in the board list.

The Sparkfun SAMD21 Dev Breakout and the Sparkfun SAMD21 Mini Breakout are the only ones listed.

Can anyone give me a suggestion on how to get that board to show back up in the boards list?

I’m using Arduino 1.8.12


Another thing i just noticed is that in the Hookup guide, the screen shot of the Boards Manager shows version 1.3.0 for the Sparkfun SAMD Boards, but the latest version I get in the Arduino IDE is 1.2.2

That’s odd - the latest SparkFun SAMD21 board package that I see in Arduino is 1.7.4 dependent on Arduino SAMD 1.8.1

My additional json URL is … index.json

I opened the link and see what you are talking about. I deleted the link I had in the additional board manager URLs (the address was the same) and did a copy and paste of the link again. The newer versions are listed in the text when I open the link in my browser, and it shows the board I’m looking for starting in version 1.3.0, with the latest version being 1.74, but I’m still showing 1.2.2 as the latest version available in the Boards Manager.

so i looked in the Arduino15/packages/Sparkfun/hardware/samd folder and found two folders, 1.2.2 and 1.7.4. So I was hopeful I could fix my problem by deleting the 1.2.2 folder. No luck. It just created a new 1.2.2 folder and is ignoring the 1.7.4

That’s very odd… I can’t guarantee anything about fixing Arduino but one thing that has helped me in the past is to delete unnecessary cache files in the Arduino15 folder. In my experience everything but your preferences and the packages folder can be safely deleted and it should be regenerated correctly

Thanks for the reply.

I renamed all the folders and moved the package_xxxxxx files to a new folder and then opened the Arduino IDE. I’m still having the same issue in the boards manager. In the Arduino15 folder, a file is created called package_sparkfun_index.json. I renamed the newly created file by adding .txt so i could open it. The “last” lines for the SAMD are for version 1.2.2 (“archiveFileName”:“sparkfun-samd-1.2.2.tar.bz2”)

So I went to the newly created cache/ file, and it lists all the Sparkfun SAMD boards. So I copied this file and did a paste into the Arduino15 folder. Then when I open the Arduino IDE and go to the bards manager, it is still only showing version 1.2.2 as the most recent for the Sparkfun SAMD, and when I go back to the Arduino15 folder it has replaced the package_sparkfun_index.json file with one that only goes to version 1.2.2.

I am really confused as to where this file is coming from.

Do you have any local package installations? These are hardware installations inside the Sketchbook folder rather than the Arduino15 folder… I am sort of grasping at straws here too.

I just looked in the sketchbook folder and i don’t have any local package installations. It has all my sketches and a libraries folder.

I spent the last several weeks working with nRF52840 boards, so maybe it is related to that in some way.

I’m sure you’ve tried googling the heck out of this… have you tried posting on the Arduino forums? I’m not sure but that might get you access to someone who would understand the issue better than I do

I did a lot of searching before I posted here, and I didn’t try posting the Arduino forum yet. I found some similar problems, but the solutions for those didn’t fix my issue. I really appreciate you time on this. If find a solution I will come back here and post it.

I made progress, but I think I broke other things in the process. I now have the latest version of the Sparkfun SAMD boards available in the boards manager, but it locks up trying to download. Here is what I found.

I did a search of my c drive for package_sparkfun_index.json.

I located it in both Arduino15\cache\\sparkfun\Arduino_Boards\master\IDE_Board_Manager

and in Arduino15\cache\\sparkfun\Arduino_Boards\nrf5\IDE_Board_Manager

the file size was much smaller for the file in the nrf5 folder, so I opened it and found that it only had content (not sure what the correct term is for this) up to version 1.2.2 for the samd. The version for the samd in the file in the master folder goes up to version 1.7.4

So I decided to look at the files>preferences Additional Board Manager URLs and open the URLs … index.json … index.json

the URL for the nrf5 only has the samd to version 1.2.2, while the URL for the master has the samd to version 1.7.4.

So I deleted the nrf5 link from the files>preferences Additional Board Manager URLs, thinking this must be the problem.

I also deleted the nrf5 folder from the Arduino15\cache\\sparkfun\Arduino_Boards folder

I opened the Arduino IDE, went to the boards manager, now the Sparkfun sand verion 1.7.4 is showing!

But, I received a long list of red text in the back screen below the sketch. It went away when I tried to install version 1.7.4, but the Boards Manager locked up about 25% of the way “Downloading tools (1/2). Downloaded 21,056kb of 84,537kb”.

I’m going to get the IDE unlocked and restarted and see what happens. I think I am making some progress

Rebooted my PC and retried installing the Sparkfun SAMD Boards version 1.7.4. This time it didn’t lock up but at the very end i received the error “CRC doesn’t match, file is corrupted. It may be a temporary problem, please retry later.”

I tried to post the full text the is showing up in the black window below the sketch, but I’m getting a 403 Forbidden message. i don’t know that to do to post it.

I went to the Arduino15\Staging folder and deleted all the files that contained samd in the name. Restarted the IDE, and successfully installed the Sparkfun SAMD boards version 1.7.4

Thanks for all the details regarding your solution! I suspect that that other link may be a mistake - actually come to think of it it reminds me of this issue:

I will bring it up with some people who could try to find a resolution