Sparkfun Datalogger and the BMP384 sensor

I’m currently measuring pressure from two BMP 384 SparkFun sensors. I needed to change the address of the one sensor, therefore using the the jumper pads I changed the address by bridging the address with solder. However now in the serial terminal, the BMP384 sensor is popping up as an MS8607 sensor. how do I update the address of the BMP sensor such that the datalogger will read the correct sensor

PaulCZ will know this much better. Changing the address to 0x76 has an impact on autodetect. The same address is used for the MS8607 mux among others like MS5637 / MS5837 / MS8607 / BME280.

In autodetect.ino, around line 1640, it tries to detect whether it is the MUX or another. It does so by reading address 0x0A and checking whether it receives 2 bytes 0x0A. According to the datasheet on a BMP384 register 0xA0 is not available and thus you can get unexpected results.

Not sure what the final solution is, but for test and quick workaround and if you do not use the MS8607 mux, you can hard code / add a return around line 1640

case 0x76:
      return (DEVICE_PRESSURE_MS5637);

Not sure this is everything you need to do, as I could not find BMP384 in my Openlog-source. I assume something has been added in testdevice() where the address is 0x76